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Alt 03.09.13
Mast83 Mast83 ist offline
Elite Mitglied
Registriert seit: Aug 2011
Ort: NRW
Beiträge: 764
Mast83 befindet sich auf einem aufstrebenden Ast
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Du kannst auch ganz einfach mal im mql4 Forum schauen...dort gibt es sicherlich einen EA bei dem du die GD's selbst bestimmen kannst und wo auch nur jeweils einTrade eingegangen wird. Der Code ist in der Regel auch dort zu finden und den kannst Du dann mit deinem Vergleichen...

Hier ein SourceCode von einem Broker:

#property copyright "Copyright - Interbank FX, LLC."
#property link "http://www.ibfx.com/"
#include "include\stderror.mqh"
//| Global Variables / Includes |
datetime CurrTime = 0;
datetime PrevTime = 0;
string Sym = "";
int TimeFrame = 0;
int Shift = 1;
int SymDigits = 5;
double SymPoints = 0.0001;

int MA1ArraySelected = 0;
int MA2ArraySelected = 0;
int MA1MethodSelected = 0;
int MA2MethodSelected = 0;
//| Expert User Inputs |
extern bool UseCompletedBars = true;

// Create any user input for the indicators you will use here
// For example:
extern string MA1Array = "Close";
extern string MA2Array = "Close";
extern int MA1Periods = 12;
extern int MA2Periods = 26;
extern string MA1Method = "Simple";
extern string MA2Method = "Simple";

extern double Lots = 0.01;
extern int MagicNumber = 1235;
extern int ProfitTarget = 100;
extern int StopLoss = 100;
extern int Slippage = 3;
//| Expert initialization function |
int init()
Sym = Symbol();
TimeFrame = Period();
SymPoints = MarketInfo( Sym, MODE_POINT );
SymDigits = MarketInfo( Sym, MODE_DIGITS );
if( SymPoints == 0.001 ) { SymPoints = 0.01; SymDigits = 3; }
else if( SymPoints == 0.00001 ) { SymPoints = 0.0001; SymDigits = 5; }

//------------------ CLOSE -------------------------
if(MA1Array == "C") {MA1ArraySelected = PRICE_CLOSE;}
else if(MA1Array == "CLOSE") {MA1ArraySelected = PRICE_CLOSE;}
else if(MA1Array == "Close") {MA1ArraySelected = PRICE_CLOSE;}
else if(MA1Array == "c") {MA1ArraySelected = PRICE_CLOSE;}
else if(MA1Array == "close") {MA1ArraySelected = PRICE_CLOSE;}
//------------------ LOW -------------------------
else if(MA1Array == "L") {MA1ArraySelected = PRICE_LOW;}
else if(MA1Array == "LOW") {MA1ArraySelected = PRICE_LOW;}
else if(MA1Array == "Low") {MA1ArraySelected = PRICE_LOW;}
else if(MA1Array == "l") {MA1ArraySelected = PRICE_LOW;}
else if(MA1Array == "low") {MA1ArraySelected = PRICE_LOW;}
//------------------ HIGH -------------------------
else if(MA1Array == "H") {MA1ArraySelected = PRICE_HIGH;}
else if(MA1Array == "HIGH") {MA1ArraySelected = PRICE_HIGH;}
else if(MA1Array == "High") {MA1ArraySelected = PRICE_HIGH;}
else if(MA1Array == "h") {MA1ArraySelected = PRICE_HIGH;}
else if(MA1Array == "high") {MA1ArraySelected = PRICE_HIGH;}
//------------------ OPEN-------------------------
else if(MA1Array == "O") {MA1ArraySelected = PRICE_OPEN;}
else if(MA1Array == "OPEN") {MA1ArraySelected = PRICE_OPEN;}
else if(MA1Array == "Open") {MA1ArraySelected = PRICE_OPEN;}
else if(MA1Array == "o") {MA1ArraySelected = PRICE_OPEN;}
else if(MA1Array == "open") {MA1ArraySelected = PRICE_OPEN;}
//------------------ Typical -------------------------
else if(MA1Array == "TYPICAL") {MA1ArraySelected = PRICE_TYPICAL;}
else if(MA1Array == "Typical") {MA1ArraySelected = PRICE_TYPICAL;}
else if(MA1Array == "typical") {MA1ArraySelected = PRICE_TYPICAL;}
else if(MA1Array == "T") {MA1ArraySelected = PRICE_TYPICAL;}
else if(MA1Array == "t") {MA1ArraySelected = PRICE_TYPICAL;}
//------------------ MEDIAN -------------------------------
else if(MA1Array == "MEDIAN") {MA1ArraySelected = PRICE_MEDIAN;}
else if(MA1Array == "Median") {MA1ArraySelected = PRICE_MEDIAN;}
else if(MA1Array == "median") {MA1ArraySelected = PRICE_MEDIAN;}
else if(MA1Array == "M") {MA1ArraySelected = PRICE_MEDIAN;}
else if(MA1Array == "m") {MA1ArraySelected = PRICE_MEDIAN;}
//------------------ DEFAULT -------------------------------
Alert("Please select a valid array in open, high, Low, Close, Typical, Median" );

//------------------ CLOSE -------------------------
if(MA2Array == "C") {MA2ArraySelected = PRICE_CLOSE;}
else if(MA2Array == "CLOSE") {MA2ArraySelected = PRICE_CLOSE;}
else if(MA2Array == "Close") {MA2ArraySelected = PRICE_CLOSE;}
else if(MA2Array == "c") {MA2ArraySelected = PRICE_CLOSE;}
else if(MA2Array == "close") {MA2ArraySelected = PRICE_CLOSE;}
//------------------ LOW -------------------------
else if(MA2Array == "L") {MA2ArraySelected = PRICE_LOW;}
else if(MA2Array == "LOW") {MA2ArraySelected = PRICE_LOW;}
else if(MA2Array == "Low") {MA2ArraySelected = PRICE_LOW;}
else if(MA2Array == "l") {MA2ArraySelected = PRICE_LOW;}
else if(MA2Array == "low") {MA2ArraySelected = PRICE_LOW;}
//------------------ HIGH -------------------------
else if(MA2Array == "H") {MA2ArraySelected = PRICE_HIGH;}
else if(MA2Array == "HIGH") {MA2ArraySelected = PRICE_HIGH;}
else if(MA2Array == "High") {MA2ArraySelected = PRICE_HIGH;}
else if(MA2Array == "h") {MA2ArraySelected = PRICE_HIGH;}
else if(MA2Array == "high") {MA2ArraySelected = PRICE_HIGH;}
//------------------ OPEN-------------------------
else if(MA2Array == "O") {MA2ArraySelected = PRICE_OPEN;}
else if(MA2Array == "OPEN") {MA2ArraySelected = PRICE_OPEN;}
else if(MA2Array == "Open") {MA2ArraySelected = PRICE_OPEN;}
else if(MA2Array == "o") {MA2ArraySelected = PRICE_OPEN;}
else if(MA2Array == "open") {MA2ArraySelected = PRICE_OPEN;}
//------------------ Typical -------------------------
else if(MA2Array == "TYPICAL") {MA2ArraySelected = PRICE_TYPICAL;}
else if(MA2Array == "Typical") {MA2ArraySelected = PRICE_TYPICAL;}
else if(MA2Array == "typical") {MA2ArraySelected = PRICE_TYPICAL;}
else if(MA2Array == "T") {MA2ArraySelected = PRICE_TYPICAL;}
else if(MA2Array == "t") {MA2ArraySelected = PRICE_TYPICAL;}
//------------------ MEDIAN -------------------------------
else if(MA2Array == "MEDIAN") {MA2ArraySelected = PRICE_MEDIAN;}
else if(MA2Array == "Median") {MA2ArraySelected = PRICE_MEDIAN;}
else if(MA2Array == "median") {MA2ArraySelected = PRICE_MEDIAN;}
else if(MA2Array == "M") {MA2ArraySelected = PRICE_MEDIAN;}
else if(MA2Array == "m") {MA2ArraySelected = PRICE_MEDIAN;}
//------------------ DEFAULT -------------------------------
Alert("Please select a valid array in open, high, Low, Close, Typical, Median" );
//------------------ CLOSE -------------------------
if(MA1Method == "Simple") {MA1MethodSelected = MODE_SMA; }
else if(MA1Method == "SIMPLE") {MA1MethodSelected = MODE_SMA; }
else if(MA1Method == "S") {MA1MethodSelected = MODE_SMA; }
else if(MA1Method == "s") {MA1MethodSelected = MODE_SMA; }
else if(MA1Method == "simple") {MA1MethodSelected = MODE_SMA; }
//------------------ LOW -------------------------
else if(MA1Method == "Exponential") { MA1MethodSelected = MODE_EMA;}
else if(MA1Method == "EXPONENTIAL") { MA1MethodSelected = MODE_EMA;}
else if(MA1Method == "E") { MA1MethodSelected = MODE_EMA;}
else if(MA1Method == "e") { MA1MethodSelected = MODE_EMA;}
else if(MA1Method == "exponential") { MA1MethodSelected = MODE_EMA;}
//------------------ DEFAULT -------------------------------
Alert("Please select a valid Method: Simple or Exponential" );
//------------------ CLOSE -------------------------
if(MA2Method == "Simple") {MA2MethodSelected = MODE_SMA; }
else if(MA2Method == "SIMPLE") {MA2MethodSelected = MODE_SMA; }
else if(MA2Method == "S") {MA2MethodSelected = MODE_SMA; }
else if(MA2Method == "s") {MA2MethodSelected = MODE_SMA; }
else if(MA2Method == "simple") {MA2MethodSelected = MODE_SMA; }
//------------------ LOW -------------------------
else if(MA2Method == "Exponential") { MA2MethodSelected = MODE_EMA;}
else if(MA2Method == "EXPONENTIAL") { MA2MethodSelected = MODE_EMA;}
else if(MA2Method == "E") { MA2MethodSelected = MODE_EMA;}
else if(MA2Method == "e") { MA2MethodSelected = MODE_EMA;}
else if(MA2Method == "exponential") { MA2MethodSelected = MODE_EMA;}
//------------------ DEFAULT -------------------------------
Alert("Please select a valid Method: Simple or Exponential" );

//| Expert deinitialization function |
int deinit() { return(0); }

//| Expert start function |
int start()
int RealTime = 0;
if( UseCompletedBars )
CurrTime = iTime(Sym, TimeFrame, 1 );
if( CurrTime == PrevTime )
//---- Update Vars
PrevTime = CurrTime;
RealTime = 1;

//---- Need to chek for a new Signal?
if( CountAll( Sym, MagicNumber) == 0)
//---- Indicator 1 Values
double Indicator1CurrentValue = iMA(NULL,0,MA1Periods,0,MA1MethodSelected, MA1ArraySelected,0+RealTime);
double Indicator1PreviousValue = iMA(NULL,0,MA1Periods,0,MA1MethodSelected, MA1ArraySelected,1+RealTime);
//---- Indicator 2 Values
double Indicator2CurrentValue = iMA(NULL,0,MA2Periods,0,MA2MethodSelected, MA2ArraySelected,0+RealTime);
double Indicator2PreviousValue = iMA(NULL,0,MA2Periods,0,MA2MethodSelected, MA2ArraySelected,1+RealTime);

//---- Moving Average Cross System
if( Indicator1CurrentValue > Indicator2CurrentValue && Indicator1PreviousValue <= Indicator2PreviousValue ) { EnterLong(Sym, Lots, ""); }
else if( Indicator1CurrentValue < Indicator2CurrentValue && Indicator1PreviousValue >= Indicator2PreviousValue ) { EnterShrt(Sym, Lots, ""); }


//| Expert Custom Functions |

//| CountAll() |
int CountAll( string Symbole, int Magic )
int count = 0;
for (int i = OrdersTotal() - 1; i >= 0; i--)
if ( OrderMagicNumber() != Magic ) continue;
if ( OrderSymbol() != Symbole ) continue;

if ( OrderType() == OP_BUY ) { count++; }
else if ( OrderType() == OP_SELL ) { count++; }

//| Calculate Stop Long |
double StopLong(double price,double stop,double point,double SymDgts )
if(stop==0) { return(0); }
else { return(NormalizeDouble( price-(stop*point),SymDgts)); }

//| Calculate Stop Short |
double StopShrt(double price,double stop,double point,double SymDgts )
if(stop==0) { return(0); }
else { return(NormalizeDouble( price+(stop*point),SymDgts)); }

//| Calculate Profit Target Long |
double TakeLong(double price,double take,double point,double SymDgts )
if(take==0) { return(0);}
else { return(NormalizeDouble( price+(take*point),SymDgts));}

//| Calculate Profit Target Long |
double TakeShrt(double price,double take,double point,double SymDgts )
if(take==0) { return(0);}
else { return(NormalizeDouble( price-(take*point),SymDgts));}

//| Place Long Order |
int EnterLong( string FinalSymbol, double FinalLots, string EA_Comment )
int Ticket = -1; int err = 0; bool OrderLoop = False; int TryCount = 0;

while( !OrderLoop )
while( IsTradeContextBusy() ) { Sleep( 10 ); }

double SymAsk = NormalizeDouble( MarketInfo( FinalSymbol, MODE_ASK ), SymDigits );
double SymBid = NormalizeDouble( MarketInfo( FinalSymbol, MODE_BID ), SymDigits );

Ticket = OrderSend( FinalSymbol, OP_BUY, FinalLots, SymAsk, 0, StopLong(SymBid,StopLoss, SymPoints,SymDigits), TakeLong(SymAsk,ProfitTarget, SymPoints,SymDigits), EA_Comment, MagicNumber, 0, CLR_NONE );

int Err=GetLastError();

switch (Err)
//---- Success
case ERR_NO_ERROR: OrderLoop = true; break;

//---- Retry Error
case ERR_TRADE_CONTEXT_BUSY: TryCount++; break;
case ERR_REQUOTE: continue;

//---- Fatal known Error
case ERR_INVALID_STOPS: OrderLoop = true; Print( "Invalid Stops" ); break;
case ERR_INVALID_TRADE_VOLUME: OrderLoop = true; Print( "Invalid Lots" ); break;
case ERR_MARKET_CLOSED: OrderLoop = true; Print( "Market Close" ); break;
case ERR_TRADE_DISABLED: OrderLoop = true; Print( "Trades Disabled" ); break;
case ERR_NOT_ENOUGH_MONEY: OrderLoop = true; Print( "Not Enough Money" ); break;
case ERR_TRADE_TOO_MANY_ORDERS: OrderLoop = true; Print( "Too Many Orders" ); break;

//---- Fatal Unknown Error
default: OrderLoop = true; Print( "Unknown Error - " + Err ); break;
// end switch
if( TryCount > 10) { OrderLoop = true; }

//| Place Shrt Order |
int EnterShrt( string FinalSymbol, double FinalLots, string EA_Comment )
int Ticket = -1; int err = 0; bool OrderLoop = False; int TryCount = 0;

while( !OrderLoop )
while( IsTradeContextBusy() ) { Sleep( 10 ); }

double SymAsk = NormalizeDouble( MarketInfo( FinalSymbol, MODE_ASK ), SymDigits );
double SymBid = NormalizeDouble( MarketInfo( FinalSymbol, MODE_BID ), SymDigits );

Ticket = OrderSend( FinalSymbol, OP_SELL, FinalLots, SymBid, 0, StopShrt(SymAsk,StopLoss, SymPoints,SymDigits), TakeShrt(SymBid,ProfitTarget, SymPoints,SymDigits), EA_Comment, MagicNumber, 0, CLR_NONE );

int Err=GetLastError();

switch (Err)
//---- Success
case ERR_NO_ERROR: OrderLoop = true; break;

//---- Retry Error
case ERR_TRADE_CONTEXT_BUSY: TryCount++; break;
case ERR_REQUOTE: continue;

//---- Fatal known Error
case ERR_INVALID_STOPS: OrderLoop = true; Print( "Invalid Stops" ); break;
case ERR_INVALID_TRADE_VOLUME: OrderLoop = true; Print( "Invalid Lots" ); break;
case ERR_MARKET_CLOSED: OrderLoop = true; Print( "Market Close" ); break;
case ERR_TRADE_DISABLED: OrderLoop = true; Print( "Trades Disabled" ); break;
case ERR_NOT_ENOUGH_MONEY: OrderLoop = true; Print( "Not Enough Money" ); break;
case ERR_TRADE_TOO_MANY_ORDERS: OrderLoop = true; Print( "Too Many Orders" ); break;

//---- Fatal Unknown Error
default: OrderLoop = true; Print( "Unknown Error - " + Err ); break;
// end switch
if( TryCount > 10) { OrderLoop = true; }
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