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Marvin befindet sich auf einem aufstrebenden Ast
Standard EA super-arrow-indicator

Hallo, ich benötige einen EA in MQL4, welcher die Handelssignale des super-arrow-indicator nutzt und beim Sell Buffer, bzw. Signal die Buy Order schließt und unmittelbar eine Sell Order öffnet. Und beim Buy Buffer, bzw. Signal, die Sell Order schließt und unmittelbar eine Buy Order öffnet. Die maximale Anzahl an offenen Trades beträgt für diese Magic Number bzw. dieses Handelsinstrument 1. Die Magic Number und Lotsize sollen im Experten Tab konfigurierbar sein.

#property copyright ""
#property link ""
#property version "1.2"
#property strict

#property indicator_chart_window
#property indicator_buffers 2
#property indicator_color1 Lime
#property indicator_width1 2
#property indicator_label1 "Buy"
#property indicator_color2 Red
#property indicator_width2 2
#property indicator_label2 "Sell"

double G_ibuf_76[];
double G_ibuf_80[];
extern int FasterMovingAverage = 5;
extern int SlowerMovingAverage = 12;
extern int RSIPeriod = 12;
extern int MagicFilterPeriod = 1;
extern int BollingerbandsPeriod = 10;
extern int BollingerbandsShift = 0;
extern double BollingerbandsDeviation = 0.5;
extern int BullsPowerPeriod = 50;
extern int BearsPowerPeriod = 50;
extern bool Alerts = TRUE;
extern int Utstup = 10;
// More templates and snippets on
input string AlertsSection = ""; // == Alerts ==
input bool popup_alert = false; // Popup message
input bool notification_alert = false; // Push notification
input bool email_alert = false; // Email
input bool play_sound = false; // Play sound on alert
input string sound_file = ""; // Sound file
input bool start_program = false; // Start external program
input string program_path = ""; // Path to the external program executable
input bool advanced_alert = false; // Advanced alert (Telegram/Discord/other platform (like another MT4))
input string advanced_key = ""; // Advanced alert key

int Gi_unused_128 = 0;
bool Gi_132 = FALSE;
bool Gi_136 = FALSE;
bool Gi_140 = FALSE;
bool Gi_144 = FALSE;
bool Gi_148 = FALSE;
bool Gi_152 = FALSE;
bool Gi_156 = FALSE;
bool Gi_160 = FALSE;
bool Gi_164 = FALSE;
bool Gi_168 = FALSE;
int Gi_172 = 0;
bool Gi_176 = FALSE;
bool Gi_180 = FALSE;

string TimeframeToString(ENUM_TIMEFRAMES tf)
switch (tf)
case PERIOD_CURRENT: return TimeframeToString((ENUM_TIMEFRAMES)_Period);
case PERIOD_M1: return "M1";
case PERIOD_M5: return "M5";
case PERIOD_D1: return "D1";
case PERIOD_H1: return "H1";
case PERIOD_H4: return "H4";
case PERIOD_M15: return "M15";
case PERIOD_M30: return "M30";
case PERIOD_MN1: return "MN1";
case PERIOD_W1: return "W1";
return "";

// E37F0136AA3FFAF149B351F6A4C948E9
int init() {
SetIndexStyle(0, DRAW_ARROW, EMPTY);
SetIndexArrow(0, 233);
SetIndexBuffer(0, G_ibuf_76);
SetIndexStyle(1, DRAW_ARROW, EMPTY);
SetIndexArrow(1, 234);
SetIndexBuffer(1, G_ibuf_80);
signaler = new Signaler();
signaler.SetMessagePrefix(_Symbol + "/" + TimeframeToString((ENUM_TIMEFRAMES)_Period) + ": ");

return (0);

// 52D46093050F38C27267BCE42543EF60
int deinit() {
delete signaler;
return (0);

// EA2B2676C28C0DB26D39331A336C6B92
int start() {
int pos;
double ima_12;
double ima_20;
double ima_28;
double ima_36;
double irsi_44;
double irsi_52;
double ibullspower_60;
double ibullspower_68;
double ibearspower_76;
double ibearspower_84;
double Ld_92;
double Ld_100;
double Ld_108;
double Ld_116;
double Ld_124;
double Ld_132;
double Ld_140;
double ibands_152;
double ibands_160;
double ibands_168;
double ibands_176;
int Li_148 = IndicatorCounted();
if (Li_148 < 0) return (-1);
if (Li_148 > 0) Li_148--;
int Li_0 = Bars - Li_148 - 11;
for (int Li_4 = 0; Li_4 <= Li_0; Li_4++) {
Ld_132 = 0;
Ld_140 = 0;
for (pos = Li_4; pos <= Li_4 + 10; pos++)
Ld_140 += MathAbs(High[pos] - Low[pos]);
Ld_132 = Ld_140 / 10.0;
ima_12 = iMA(NULL, 0, FasterMovingAverage, 0, MODE_EMA, PRICE_CLOSE, Li_4);
ima_28 = iMA(NULL, 0, FasterMovingAverage, 0, MODE_EMA, PRICE_CLOSE, Li_4 + 1);
ima_20 = iMA(NULL, 0, SlowerMovingAverage, 0, MODE_EMA, PRICE_CLOSE, Li_4);
ima_36 = iMA(NULL, 0, SlowerMovingAverage, 0, MODE_EMA, PRICE_CLOSE, Li_4 + 1);
irsi_44 = iRSI(NULL, 0, RSIPeriod, PRICE_CLOSE, Li_4);
irsi_52 = iRSI(NULL, 0, RSIPeriod, PRICE_CLOSE, Li_4 + 1);
ibullspower_60 = iBullsPower(NULL, 0, BullsPowerPeriod, PRICE_CLOSE, Li_4);
ibullspower_68 = iBullsPower(NULL, 0, BullsPowerPeriod, PRICE_CLOSE, Li_4 + 1);
ibearspower_76 = iBearsPower(NULL, 0, BearsPowerPeriod, PRICE_CLOSE, Li_4);
ibearspower_84 = iBearsPower(NULL, 0, BearsPowerPeriod, PRICE_CLOSE, Li_4 + 1);
ibands_152 = iBands(NULL, 0, BollingerbandsPeriod, BollingerbandsDeviation, BollingerbandsShift, PRICE_CLOSE, MODE_UPPER, Li_4);
ibands_160 = iBands(NULL, 0, BollingerbandsPeriod, BollingerbandsDeviation, BollingerbandsShift, PRICE_CLOSE, MODE_LOWER, Li_4);
ibands_168 = iBands(NULL, 0, BollingerbandsPeriod, BollingerbandsDeviation, BollingerbandsShift, PRICE_CLOSE, MODE_UPPER, Li_4 + 1);
ibands_176 = iBands(NULL, 0, BollingerbandsPeriod, BollingerbandsDeviation, BollingerbandsShift, PRICE_CLOSE, MODE_LOWER, Li_4 + 1);
Ld_92 = iHighest(NULL, 0, MODE_HIGH, MagicFilterPeriod, Li_4);
Ld_100 = iHighest(NULL, 0, MODE_LOW, MagicFilterPeriod, Li_4);
Ld_108 = 100 - 100.0 * ((Ld_92 - 0.0) / 10.0);
Ld_116 = 100 - 100.0 * ((Ld_100 - 0.0) / 10.0);
if (Ld_108 == 0.0) Ld_108 = 0.0000001;
if (Ld_116 == 0.0) Ld_116 = 0.0000001;
Ld_124 = Ld_108 - Ld_116;
if (Ld_124 >= 0.0) {
Gi_148 = TRUE;
Gi_168 = FALSE;
} else {
if (Ld_124 < 0.0) {
Gi_148 = FALSE;
Gi_168 = TRUE;
if (Close[Li_4] > ibands_152 && Close[Li_4 + 1] >= ibands_168) {
Gi_144 = FALSE;
Gi_164 = TRUE;
if (Close[Li_4] < ibands_160 && Close[Li_4 + 1] <= ibands_176) {
Gi_144 = TRUE;
Gi_164 = FALSE;
if (ibullspower_60 > 0.0 && ibullspower_68 > ibullspower_60) {
Gi_140 = FALSE;
Gi_160 = TRUE;
if (ibearspower_76 < 0.0 && ibearspower_84 < ibearspower_76) {
Gi_140 = TRUE;
Gi_160 = FALSE;
if (irsi_44 > 50.0 && irsi_52 < 50.0) {
Gi_136 = TRUE;
Gi_156 = FALSE;
if (irsi_44 < 50.0 && irsi_52 > 50.0) {
Gi_136 = FALSE;
Gi_156 = TRUE;
if (ima_12 > ima_20 && ima_28 < ima_36) {
Gi_132 = TRUE;
Gi_152 = FALSE;
if (ima_12 < ima_20 && ima_28 > ima_36) {
Gi_132 = FALSE;
Gi_152 = TRUE;
if (Gi_132 == TRUE && Gi_136 == TRUE && Gi_144 == TRUE && Gi_140 == TRUE && Gi_148 == TRUE && Gi_172 != 1) {
G_ibuf_76[Li_4] = Low[Li_4] - (Point * Utstup); //1.3 * Ld_132;
if (Li_4 <= 2 && Alerts && (!Gi_176)) {
Alert(Symbol(), " ", Period(), " BUY");
Gi_176 = TRUE;
Gi_180 = FALSE;
Gi_172 = 1;
} else {
if (Gi_152 == TRUE && Gi_156 == TRUE && Gi_164 == TRUE && Gi_160 == TRUE && Gi_168 == FALSE && Gi_172 != 2) {
G_ibuf_80[Li_4] = High[Li_4] + (Point * Utstup); // 1.3 * Ld_132;
if (Li_4 <= 2 && Alerts && (!Gi_180)) {
Alert(Symbol(), " ", Period(), " SELL");
Gi_180 = TRUE;
Gi_176 = FALSE;
Gi_172 = 2;
return (0);
Mit Zitat antworten


ea, expert advisor, super-arrow-indicator

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